As readers may already have seen, former U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens has died at the age of 99. (He had just recently come out with a new book, The Making of a Justice: Reflections on My First 94 Years.) Over the course of his long career on the bench, he authored many important opinions, including some on IP and antitrust. Sometimes I agreed with him, sometimes I didn't, but I think he will long be remembered as a voice of reason.
On a personal note, I had the honor of meeting Justice Stevens once, back in 1987, when he interviewed me for a clerkship. I didn't get the job--I'm sure there were other candidates much more qualified than I was--but it was a thrill for me nonetheless. The thing I will remember most is when he showed my a baseball he kept on his desk, autographed by his (and my) favorite team, the Chicago Cubs.
Rest in peace, Justice Stevens.

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