Monday, August 19, 2024

Upcoming Webinar on German FRAND Litigation, and New Book

I’ve mentioned this upcoming event previously, but now that it is only a month away I thought it would be worthwhile to note it again.  Next Monday, August 26, from 15h00 – 16h30 CEST (that’s 8 a.m. to 9:30 am U.S. Central Time) I will be participating in a webinar titled "The German Case Law on Standard-Essential Patents."  Registration information is available here.  The webinar is organized by BRELA Research in Economics & Legal Analytics; Northwestern University’s Center on Law, Business, and Economics; the Center for Intellectual Property and Competition Law (CIPCO) at University of Zurich; and the Munich IP Dispute Resolution Forum (IPDR), and will feature three panels.  Peter Picht, Erik Habich, and I comprise the first panel.  We will discuss our forthcoming book, FRAND:  German Case Law and Global Perspectives (Elgar Intellectual Property Law and Practice Series, forthcoming Sept. 2024), which is available for pre-order here.  For the second panel, Justus Baron will discuss his recent paper, coauthored with Santiago Bergallo and Eric Sergheraert, titled Empirical Analysis of the German Caselaw on SEP Injunctions after Huawei v. ZTE (June 6, 2024).  The third panel features German Federal Supreme Court Judge Fabian Hoffmann and Dr. Matthias Zigann, Presiding Judge of the Unified Patent Court Local Division Munich.   If you have not already registered, I hope you will consider joining us next Monday (and I also hope you will consider our forthcoming book on German FRAND case law).

Last week, as I also had previously mentioned, I participated in a Federal Society panel on injunctive relief in patent cases, along with former Federal Circuit Chief Judge Paul Michel, Professor Jonathan Barrett, Nicholas Matich, and Jeffrey Depp.  As soon as the video is available, I will post a link to it.  My own views were distinctly in the minority, but we had an excellent and enjoyable discussion. 

Update:  Here is the video of the FedSoc event.

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