Monday, July 29, 2024

Upcoming Webinar on German SEP Litigation

As I have mentioned previously, Peter Picht, Erik Habich, and I have an edited volume that will be published in the coming weeks, titled FRAND: German Case Law and Global Perspectives (Edward Elgar Publishing).  The volume includes seven chapters providing a comprehensive look at the issues the German courts have addressed in FRAND cases, and an additional eight chapters composed of essays by each of us and by leading judges and scholars.  (A draft of the first seven (case law) chapters is on ssrn.)  In connection with our book, and with another study produced by Dr. Justus Baron titled "An Empirical Analysis of the German Case Law on SEP Injunctions After Huawei v. ZTE"), the four of us (Picht, Cotter, Habich, Baron), along with Judges Fabian Hoffmann and Dr. Matthis Zigann, will be panelists for a webinar scheduled for Monday, August 26, from 15h00 – 16h30 CEST titled "The German Case Law on Standard-Essential Patents."  Here is a link. This event is co-organized by BRELA Research in Economics & Legal Analytics; Northwestern University’s Center on Law, Business, and Economics; the Center for Intellectual Property and Competition Law (CIPCO) at University of Zurich; and the Munich IP Dispute Resolution Forum (IPDR).

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