Volume 2 of the Criterion Journal on Innovation, for which Greg Sidak serves as editor, includes several papers on damages and injunctions, including the following. (Note that I haven't read all of them yet myself. Of these, I'm guessing, based on the abstracts, that I will agree at least in part with some of them and disagree quite vigorously with others, but in the meanwhile I will withhold judgment.)
1. J. Gregory Sidak,
Irreparable Harm from Infringement.
Here is a link to the article, and here is the abstract:
The Patent Act empowers a court to issue an injunction “to prevent
the violation of any right secured by patent.” Whether a court will
permanently enjoin an infringer depends on whether (1) the patent holder
would suffer irreparable harm otherwise, (2) its legal remedies are
inadequate, (3) the balance of hardships favors the patent holder, and
(4) the injunction would not disserve the public interest. Similar
factors inform the grant of a preliminary injunction. The Federal
Circuit often says that the harm from patent infringement is irreparable
if it cannot be measured. I say that such harm is irreparable because
it irreversibly destroys wealth.
Patent infringement irreversibly
obliterates wealth when it impedes society’s technical progress. Patent
infringement does more than transfer wealth involuntarily from the
patent holder to the infringer; it also harms third parties by
devastating the surplus that consumers would derive from using the
product practicing the new technology. Damages are impotent to cure that
harm to the public interest. A court’s order of damages can no more
recreate the wealth that has been or will be destroyed by an act of
patent infringement than it can restore an ancient redwood after the
axeman has felled it.
2. J. Gregory Sidak,
Is Harm Ever Irreparable? Here is a link to the article, and here is the abstract:
Economic analysis yields three insights on the meanings of
irreparable harm. First, the interpretation of “irreparable” harm as
immeasurable harm has diminishing plausibility. Quantitative and
empirical methods are generally sufficient to estimate injury in
business disputes with reasonable confidence. Second, harm can be
irreparable because the infringer cannot afford to pay damages, but
other vehicles exist to address that problem of
undercapitalization—namely, bankruptcy law and the market for corporate
control. Third, legitimate grounds remain for finding irreparable harm
and issuing an injunction when the court’s failure to do so would reduce
consumer or producer surplus by reducing static or dynamic efficiency.
In this third category, the reliable quantification of the destruction
of value may be challenging when assessing dynamic inefficiency.
contrast to the existing jurisprudence on injunctions, my three
interpretations of irreparable harm would focus the objective of
injunctive relief on averting the destruction of value caused by patent
infringement, not the transfer of wealth from the patent holder to the
infringer. The same logic would apply more generally to any form of
involuntary exchange, including compulsory licensing or the forced
sharing of valuable assets with competitors under competition law.
the following question: when would a court ever need to grant
injunctive relief to remedy the invasion of the plaintiff’s property
rights? I do not find any of my three economic interpretations of
“irreparable harm” to have great explanatory power in answering this
question. So I offer a new conjecture.
Although courts are
comfortable with the counterfactual framework of the hypothetical,
voluntary exchange, I hypothesize that they are uncomfortable with
including large estimates of opportunity cost in the bargaining range of
that model. Perhaps courts (and competition authorities, for that
matter) do not fully understand the implications of Armen Alchian’s
definition that cost in economics means opportunity cost. This unease
increases if the would-be licensor’s opportunity costs exceed the
would-be infringer’s maximum willingness to pay. (This condition is a
standard fact pattern in any of the high-profile margin squeeze cases in
Europe and the United States, in which the wholesale price of access to
the essential input exceeds the retail price that the vertically
integrated firm charges in the downstream market.)
Perhaps, too,
courts care about appearances concerning their institutional competence.
If no transaction occurs when the would-be licensor’s opportunity costs
exceed the would-be infringer’s maximum willingness to pay, it may
appear to outsiders to be the court’s fault in setting too high an
access price. Consequently, when a court recognizes that the bargaining
range is negative, it may prefer to grant a permanent injunction instead
of awarding the patent holder damages that exceed what the infringer
would have been willing to pay in a hypothetical, voluntary negotiation.
my conjecture is correct, it may signal an innate appreciation by
courts of the Coase Theorem. If the would-be licensee does not value the
would-be licensor’s asset at the level of the would-be licensor’s
opportunity cost, the court will have no comparative advantage over a
bilateral negotiation in making a transaction occur that increases
social welfare. Rather than state publicly that the correct price
emerging from a hypothetical, voluntary transaction would exceed the
would-be licensor’s willingness to pay, the court may prefer to say that
it cannot measure the harm from the unauthorized use of the asset. In
that case, the court would issue a permanent injunction, which would
permit the parties’ own post-injunction negotiations to confirm, in
private, the conclusion that no gains from trade exist.
3. Paul R. Michel & Matthew Dowd,
Understanding the Errors of eBay.
Here is a link to the article, and here is the abstract:
eBay has had a profoundly negative effect on the enforceability
of U.S. patents, including patents whose validity is beyond doubt. With
the likelihood of an injunction severely diminished, patent infringers
appear less willing to cease infringing activity. In contrast to U.S.
practice, injunctions are routine in Germany and other European
countries and becoming so in Asian nations, particularly China, for all
technologies and all types of owners. Investment money is mobile and
flows toward the high-value assets. eBay has crimped patent
rights and thereby diminished investment incentives in the United
States. The result: reduced research and development, less job creation,
lower economic growth, and diminished American global competitiveness.
This cannot be what the Supreme Court intended, but it is how the
Kennedy concurrence is being implemented by most district courts that
ignore the less forceful Roberts concurrence. The time has come for the
Court, or at least the Federal Circuit, to rescue America from this
4. Maureen K. Ohlhausen, The Federal Trade Commission's Path Ahead.
Here is a link to the article, and here is the abstract:
Given my extensive experience as a
leader at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), I have developed views
about how the Commission should carry out its work. In the months ahead,
I hope to realize my vision by continuing the agency’s good work to
protect competition while advancing principles that the FTC overlooked
or undervalued under the Obama Administration.
First, a word on my
antitrust philosophy: I believe in the power of markets—when free of
restraints and unnecessary regulations—to provide the best outcomes for
consumers. Antitrust enforcers guard the competitive process. We
intervene when firms injure competition, and we advocate for consumers
when governments consider anticompetitive legislation. But equally
important is knowing when not to intervene.
As you know,
competitive markets tend toward static efficiency, as firms experience
market pressures to price near a measure of their costs. But even
periods of monopolistic pricing can be consistent with—if not
indispensable to—dynamically efficient markets. That is especially so
when dominance reflects a firm’s superior innovation. The continuing
rise of technology-driven industries makes that consideration more
fundamental than ever. The Arrow-Schumpeter debate remains live and
Importantly, competition enforcers should not intervene
simply because they dislike certain market outcomes. Antitrust is about
protecting the process, not guaranteeing a particular result at a
particular time. We trust that markets in which firms must endure
competitive pressures will produce favorable outcomes in terms of price,
output, quality, and innovation in the long run. But if prices seem
excessive or output stagnant at a point in time, we do not use antitrust
enforcement to require firms to charge less or to produce more. In
short, antitrust is not regulation. As the Supreme Court observed in National Society of Professional Engineers,
“competition is the best method of allocating resources in a free
market,” and even “occasional exceptions to the presumed consequences of
competition” are not grounds for antitrust enforcement.
My record
shows that I favor meritorious intervention. But, I believe, it is
critical to wield our competition laws with regard for the limits of our
knowledge, the risk of getting it wrong, and the relative costs to
society of over-enforcement and under-enforcement. Those considerations
inform my lodestar of “regulatory humility,” which I will follow in the
months ahead. Impressionistic assessments of harm should not drive major
interventions in the market. Rather, empiricism should control.
Moreover, a rigorous application of economic theory is crucial for
understanding the likely effects of business conduct and for informing
enforcement decisions.
In this essay, I discuss the basic
principles that inform my perspective on antitrust law and outlined
certain policy priorities for me going forward. My philosophy of
regulatory humility, my belief in the power of competitive markets, and a
devotion to empiricism inform my view of antitrust. An important
question, however, is how my views translate into specific policy goals
for the FTC. I would like to see the Commission pursue some new
directions. I specifically mention grounding action in a strong
empirical basis, challenging abuses of the government process, and
better use of Part 3. But, as I articulated at the Heritage Foundation
recently, I have other goals, too. Those include the promotion of
economic liberty, trimming the costs that the FTC imposes on business
without hindering the Commission’s enforcement abilities, and protecting
U.S. firms’ intellectual-property rights. I will continue to pursue
those aims energetically.
5. J. Gregory Sidak,
Fair and Unfair Discrimination in Royalties for Standard-Essential Patents Encumbered by a FRAND or RAND Commitment.
Here is a link to the article, and here is the abstract:
Legal disputes between SEP holders and implementers regarding FRAND
or RAND royalties for SEPs have increasingly focused on the meaning of
the nondiscrimination requirement contained in a FRAND or RAND
commitment. However, as of August 2017, there is no agreement on the
precise duties arising from such a requirement. The legal and economic
literature has proposed divergent, and mainly normative, interpretations
of the nondiscrimination requirement. Some commentators say that the
nondiscrimination requirement prohibits the SEP holder from excluding
individual implementers from using its SEPs, but that the requirement
does not limit the terms and conditions that the SEP holder may offer to
different licensees. Others say that the requirement imposes on the SEP
holder a duty to offer similar terms to similarly situated
implementers—although, even then, there is no agreement on how to
implement the “similarly situated” construct in practice. The most
misguided and unhelpful interpretation in that literature comes from
economic scholars who contend that the nondiscrimination requirement
imposes on the SEP holder the duty to create and maintain a “level
playing field” among the SEP holder’s licensees. The majority of these
proposed interpretations rest on normative expressions of what the
nondiscrimination requirement should be, as opposed to positive
principles of what that requirement is. Thus, they are limited in their
ability to guide a court’s interpretation of the nondiscrimination
requirement in the FRAND or RAND commitment at issue in a given dispute.
American law controls the interpretation of the obligations arising
from an SEP holder’s FRAND or RAND commitment, there exists a rich
positive jurisprudence on nondiscrimination that provides common
principles that can aid a court’s interpretation of an SSO’s
nondiscrimination requirement. Those principles, which are consistently
applied across various fields of law, suggest that evidence that the SEP
holder has treated similarly situated implementers differently is
necessary but insufficient to prove that the SEP holder has violated the
nondiscrimination requirement of a FRAND or RAND commitment. The court
must also examine whether the SEP holder had a valid justification for
the differential treatment of similarly situated implementers. Economic
analysis can help a court to determine whether (1) the claimant is
situated similarly to other implementers, (2) the SEP holder has treated
the claimant differently, and (3) a valid justification exists for any
differential treatment. A finding of impermissible discrimination is
supportable only when the SEP holder lacks a legitimate justification
for the disparate treatment of similarly situated implementers.
6. J. Gregory Sidak,
Is a FRAND Royalty a Point or a Range? Here is a link to the article, and here is the abstract:
Justice Birss said in Unwired Planet that there can be only a
single FRAND royalty rate for a given set of circumstances between
parties negotiating a license for an SEP. However, it would be untenable
on both economic and legal grounds to infer from that opinion that
FRAND or RAND can be only a single point in a voluntary negotiation
between two parties, or that an SEP must command the same price across
all licensees for a given SEP.
As an economic matter, an SEP
holder’s commitment to license its SEPs on FRAND or RAND terms generates
a range of reasonable royalties upon which the negotiating parties
could voluntarily agree. The SEP holder’s minimum willingness to accept
to license its SEPs and the licensee’s maximum willingness to pay to use
those SEPs identify the bounds on the bargaining range. Any agreed-upon
royalty within that prescribed range will make both the SEP holder and
the licensee better off than they would be if they were not to execute
the license. In a given negotiation, the royalty will converge on a
point within that range according to the relative bargaining power of
the specific negotiating parties. However, the ultimate point value of
that royalty is not preordained by the supposed uniqueness of a FRAND or
RAND rate; rather, the ultimate point value of the FRAND or RAND
royalty in a given license depends on the circumstances surrounding the
negotiation. Differences in the size of the bargaining range and
differences in the relative bargaining power of the SEP holder and the
implementer will surely exist across licenses for a given SEP, and those
differences explain why the observed royalty rate for a given SEP
routinely varies across licenses.
Legal interpretation of the
FRAND or RAND commitment (under American law) independently confirms
that a FRAND or RAND royalty may be situated anywhere along a range of
possible outcomes. In both their interpretation of section 284 of the
Patent Act and their application of the hypothetical-negotiation
framework to determine damages for patent infringement under section
284, the federal courts recognize that a range of reasonable royalties
exists for a given patent. Any contractual bargaining away by the patent
holder of its rights arising from that statutory framework would need
to be indisputably clear. However, such clarity is nonexistent. The
patent policies of the major SSOs allow the SEP holder and the
implementer to set licensing terms for an SEP, including the ultimate
royalty rate, through voluntary, bilateral negotiation. Far from
dictating a unique point value, that mechanism permits a range of FRAND
or RAND royalties for a given SEP.
7. J. Gregory Sidak,
Using Regression Analysis of Observed Licenses to Calculate a Reasonable Royalty for Patent Infringement.
Here is a link to the paper, and here is the abstract:
Patent licenses reveal information about how the market values a
patented technology and how the market values new information concerning
the probability of a patent’s validity and infringement. One can use
that information to determine the value of the patent in suit under the
assumed conditions in the Georgia-Pacific hypothetical
negotiation that the patent is absolutely valid and infringed. Using
regression analysis, an expert economic witness can use the change in
royalty rates that occurs after pretrial rulings (by district courts, by
the PTAB, or by the ITC or its individual administrative law judges) to
calculate the market value of the increasing probability that the
patent in suit is valid and infringed, and to predict the outcome of the
hypothetical negotiation on the eve of the defendant’s first
infringement of the patent in suit. The line of best fit might predict a
gradually increasing royalty over time, as uncertainty about the
patent’s validity and scope decreases. If so, extending the line of best
fit to the trial date would provide a conservative (lower-bound)
calculation of a reasonable royalty under the assumptions of absolute
validity and infringement that apply in Georgia-Pacific’s
hypothetical negotiation. This methodology enables the calculation of a
reasonable royalty for the patent in suit that incorporates both the
underlying legal assumptions of the hypothetical-negotiation framework
and the market-disciplined prices that one subsequently observes in
actual patent licenses voluntarily negotiated at arm’s length between
the licensor and willing third parties.
8. J. Gregory Sidak and Jeremy O. Skog,
Hedonic Prices and Patent Royalties.
Here is a link to the article, and here is the abstract:
A hedonic model explains a good’s price in terms of its characteristics. In this article, we use hedonic prices to estimate the permissible range for a reasonable royalty for a
standard-essential patent (SEP) subject to its owner’s commitment to
offer to license the patent on reasonable and nondiscriminatory (RAND)
terms. Our methodology is equally applicable to the calculation of fair,
reasonable, and nondiscriminatory (FRAND) royalties for SEPs.
Hedonic price analysis provides a scientifically rigorous means to satisfy the Federal Circuit’s directive in Ericsson v. D-Link
to disaggregate the value of having a standard of any sort from the
incremental value of the chosen standard, and then to disaggregate
further the incremental contribution that a given SEP or portfolio of
SEPs makes to the overall value of the technologies that allow the
chosen standard to operate. The common additive form of the hedonic regression model is the most appropriate econometric model to meet that directive.
When implemented in an appropriate and thoughtful way, hedonic
price analysis provides an expert economic witness—and, ultimately, the
finder of fact—with a reliable methodology to determine whether a given
license offer satisfies the reasonableness requirement of a RAND or
FRAND commitment. If asked or required to set a specific RAND or FRAND
rate for a specific portfolio of SEPs, a court or arbitral panel could
take our analysis one step further, by determining where within the RAND
or FRAND bargaining range a bilaterally negotiated royalty between the
parties would most likely fall. Hedonic price
estimation can also inform the calculation of a reasonable royalty in
conventional patent litigation that does not involve standard-essential
patents. Consequently, the use of hedonic price
estimation is a conceptual breakthrough in the calculation of reasonable
royalties for patent infringement, both for SEPs subject to a RAND or
FRAND commitment and for patents that are not declared essential to any
This one I have read, so I can offer a few comments. I thought this was an interesting paper, and while I can't claim a deep understanding of the statistical techniques the authors
use their proposal appears to me to be an
improved version of the "top-down" approach used in
Innovatio and
Unwired Planet. The authors try to isolate the ex
post value of a new standard over an old one using the concept of
hedonic prices, and then apportion that value to account for differing
values among patents. They accomplish the latter by analysis of forward citations,
which as they point are a standard metric for patent valuation among
But see Allison, Lemley & Schwartz,
Understanding the Realities of Modern Patent Litigation, 92 Tex. L. Rev. 1769, 1798-99 (2014) (calling into question economists' reliance on citation counts as evidence of patent quality).