
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

OxFirst Webinar on Injunctions and SEPs

OxFirst will be putting on a free webinar on Monday, February 27 at 15:30 GMT titled "Are Injunctions at the ITC and district court within reach for SEPs?"  Here is OxFirst's description:


In this webinar, US antitrust and patent litigators provide insight into the current enforcement climate in the US for those seeking to obtain injunctions based on infringement of standard essential patents.  The intersection of IP and competition law in this area has been a flashpoint in recent years, particularly in the US, and requires a comprehensive understanding of numerous, and often varying, legal precedents and policies (both public and private).  The panelists will discuss how the relevant considerations for asserting standard essential patents at the US International Trade Commission (USITC) have developed over the years, especially in light of the interplay between the USITC and US competition authorities.  The panelists will also provide an update on the US competition law implications of seeking and obtaining injunctive relief in the standard essential patent context, drawing on recent changes in competition authority policies and approaches. 

Registration is available here.

Also of possible interest to readers of this blog is USC Gould's upcoming 2023 Intellectual Property Institute (Mar. 20-21).  The March 20 session will include panels on "Apportionment in Patent Damages," "Use of Licenses and Other Tools to Estimate a Reasonable Royalty  For information," and "Proving and Arguing Monetary Remedies in Copyright, Trade Secret and Trademark Disputes." see here.   

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