
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Upcoming Talks on Extraterritoriality and Patent Remedies

On February 7, I will be speaking at Waseda University in Tokyo, and on February 8 and at a conference organized by the Graduate Schools of Law of Nagoya University and Hokkaido University, to be held in Nagoya.  My presentation at both venues is titled Is Territoriality Dead?  I don't have a draft paper yet, but here is the abstract of what I intend to present: 
Nations traditionally have viewed patents as territorial rights:  a U.S. patent is enforceable in the United States, for example, but not in Japan, and vice versa.  Recent developments nevertheless challenge this understanding of the territorial nature of patent rights, to some degree.  One set of challenges arises primarily in cases involving commitments to license standard-essential patents (SEPs) on fair, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory (FRAND) terms.  By way of example, in Unwired Planet v. Huawei an English court established the terms of a global license for the use of Unwired Planet’s SEP portfolio, even though the majority of those SEPs were granted—and most of Huawei’s accused devices made, used, and sold—outside the U.K.  Courts in the U.K. and U.S. also have been willing to grant antisuit injunctions restricting the owners of FRAND-committed SEPs from proceeding with parallel litigation in foreign tribunals.  In addition, courts in the U.S. and Canada recently have awarded damages for extraterritorial injuries stemming from acts of domestic infringement, although the precise scope of the entitlement to such damages remains unclear.  
I will argue that these developments, though perhaps inevitable and even desirable as a matter of policy, nevertheless call for caution in their application, both to reduce abuses on the part of patent owners and accused infringers, and to avoid unwarranted interference with the practice of other nations.  To this end, I propose that courts and regulators throughout the world should consider (1) developing a set of best practices for deciding under what circumstances domestic courts should stay or dismiss pending litigation, in deference to a foreign tribunal; (2) generally limiting antisuit injunctions, in the present context, to cases in which enforcement in another jurisdiction would frustrate the domestic court’s ability to render judgment; and (3) permitting damages for extraterritorial injuries subject to limitations grounded in principles of proximate causation, the relevance of noninfringing alternatives, and the avoidance of duplicative recoveries. 

For readers who may be able to attend, here is the Nagoya conference agenda:

Conference on “Patent Law from an International Perspective” and

“IP and the Public Domain”

1.     Time and Place

Time: February 8, 2019, Friday, 10:30-17:30
February 9, 2019, Saturday, 10:00-17:30
Place: Asian Community Forum, Asian Legal Exchange Plaza, Nagoya University, JAPAN

2.     Organizers

Organizer: Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University (supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 17H00963) (TBC)
Co-organizer: Graduate School of Law, Hokkaido University (supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 18H05216) (TBC)

3.     Program  * Titles are tentative.

Day 1: February 8, 2019, Friday                 
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Masabumi Suzuki, Dean/Professor, Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University
PART I: Patent Law from an International Perspective

Session 1: Patent System and Territoriality
Moderator: Christoph Rademacher, Associate Professor, Waseda University, Japan 

Thomas F. Cotter, Professor, University of Minnesota Law School, USA 
Is Territoriality Dead? 

Masabumi Suzuki, Professor, Nagoya University, Japan
Cross-border Patent Infringement under Japanese Law

Lunch Break
Session 2: Patent System and Policy
Moderator: Irene Calboli, Professor, Texas A&M University, USA

Yoshiyuki Tamura, Professor, Hokkaido University, Japan
Looking at Patent System from an Institutional Perspective

Ichiro Nakayama, Professor, Kokugakuin University, Japan
Patentable Subject Matter in Japan

Coffee Break
Session 3: Patent and other IP in Specific Fields
Moderator: Branislav Hazucha, Associate Professor, Hokkaido University, Japan

Nari Lee, Professor, Hanken School of Economics, Finland
Patent and Trade Secret Trade-off - a Case of Personalised Medicine

Su-Hua Lee, Associate Professor, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Mitigating the Impacts of Pharmaceutical Patent Linkage on Access to Medicine: Comparisons between the USA and Asian Countries

Lobby on the Second Floor of ALEP (in front of the room for the conference)

Day 2: February 9, 2019, Saturday
PART I: Patent Law from an International Perspective (Cont’d)

Session 4: Patent Enforcement from a Comparative Perspective
Moderator: Su-hua Lee, Associate Professor, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Christoph Rademacher, Associate Professor, Waseda University, Japan
Dancing with Biotech Patents – is Japan ready for a new enforcement system?

Hao-Yun Chen, Assistant Professor, National Taipei University, Taiwan
A Comparative Study of Damages for Patent Infringement in Japan and Taiwan - In the Context of Exclusive Licensing

Lunch Break
PART II: IP and the Public Domain

Session 1: General Theory; Patent and the Public Domain
Moderator: Yoshiyuki Tamura, Professor, Hokkaido University, Japan

Branislav Hazucha, Associate Professor, Hokkaido University, Japan
Concept of Public Domain in IP Discourse

Li Yang , Professor, Sun Yat-Sen University, PRC
Patent and the Public Domain

Coffee Break
Session 3: Trademark/Copyright and the Public Domain
Moderator: Nari Lee, Professor, Hanken School of Economics, Finland

Irene Calboli, Professor, Texas A&M University, USA
Mutant Rights: Trademark Protection for Copyrighted Works and the Negative Impact on the Public Domain

Takeshi Maeda, Associate Professor, Kobe University, Japan
Introduction of "Flexible" Copyright Limitations in Japan: An Alternative to Fair Use

Masabumi Suzuki, Professor, Nagoya University, Japan
Restriction on IP for Public Policy Purposes: An Assessment on the Case of Tobacco Plain Packaging Measures

Closing Remarks
Yoshiyuki Tamura, Professor, Hokkaido University, Japan

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