
Friday, February 28, 2014

Some Upcoming Conferences of Note

Three upcoming conferences that readers might find interesting are as follows.

First, on April 4-5, the University of San Diego Law School will be hosting PatCon 4:  The Annual Patent Conference, billed as "the  largest annual conference for patent scholars in the world."  Among the speakers will be Andrew Byrnes (Chief of Staff, USPTO); U.S. District Judges Benitez, Gallo, and Sabraw; and a host of academics, including Dan Burk, John Duffy, Mark Lemley, Michael Meurer, David Schwartz, and many more.  I'll be speaking on day two during a session on remedies, as also will be Norman Siebrasse.  More information is available here.  

Second,  Law Seminars International is hosting an upcoming conference titled "Litigating Patent Damages: Strategic Issues for Proving and Refuting Damages Claims."  I'm not speaking at this one, but I did speak at one of these Law Seminars International conferences a few years ago and found the content (including but not limited to my own!) to be quite good.  Among the speakers at this upcoming conference with be Alan Cox, Roy Epstein, Christopher Marchese, Gregory Sidak, and U.S. Magistrate Judge Paul Singh Grewel.  The conference will be held in San Francisco on May 29-30.  Here's a link.

Third, the EPLaw Blog recently mentioned an upcoming International Symposium on Patent Litigation in Japan and Germany, to be held in Munich on October 2.  Here is a link.  Among the speakers are (from Japan) Judge Toshiaki Iimura and former Judge Ryoichi Mimura, and (from Germany) Judges Peter Meier-Beck, Klaus Grabinski, and Thomas Kühnen.  The conference will coincide with Oktoberfest.  I'd love to find a way to attend this one.

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